• The University of Arizona


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    • Lucy and Shaku count mosquitoes
    • Aerial view of buildings and fields looking north of Smith-Enke Road
    • The Ag Literacy program at MAC farm is known as Ag-Ventures
    • Dr. Pedro Andrade takes data with shoulder-mounted sensors.
    • The Faul Ag-Village: Where kids learn & have fun learning!
    • Aerial view of Cardon Building
    • Aerial view of a cotton field and fish ponds




    Mission Statement

    To bring university research to the public to implement real world solutions.

    Our Mission

    Our mission is to develop and deliver the best-integrated agricultural technologies for problems faced by Arizona consumers and producers. Research focuses on cotton, small grains, alfalfa, and new specialty crops that could be used to provide fibers, oils and pharmaceuticals. The Center also supports extension outreach programs, such as Ag-Ventures, various University classes, and Ag-Literacy for all age groups. 

    Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Statement

    The Maricopa Agricultural Center is committed to providing the best environment for all members of the University of Arizona community. Our staff, faculty and students practice and value diversity and inclusiveness. We respect and value all social identities.

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    Main Fax: (520)374-6394

    Shop Fax: (520) 374-6398


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      UArizona Announces On Ramp to In-Person Classes Beginning Aug. 24
      Labs and art studios will be among the...

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      UArizona President Outlines Fall Return to Campus

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